Full-Time Faculty

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
Jeffrey Bellin

Mills E. Godwin, Jr., Professor of Law
Email: [[jbellin]]
Office phone: (757)221-7364
Office location: Room 210

Lev E. Breydo

Assistant Professor of Law
Email: [[lebreydo]]
Office phone: (757)221-3758
Office location: Room 254F

Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl

Engh Research Professor and Rita Anne Rollins Professor of Law
Email: [[apbruhl]]
Office phone: (757)221-3148
Office location: Room 209

Anna Perez Chason

Professor of the Practice of Law
Email: [[apchason]]
Office phone: (757)221-7888
Office location: Room 245

Eric D. Chason

Professor of Law
Email: [[edchas]]
Office phone: (757)221-3856
Office location: Room 240

Kami N. Chavis

Vice Dean, R. Hugh and Nolie Haynes Professor of Law, and Director of the W&M Center for Criminal Justice Policy and Reform
Email: [[knchavis]]
Office phone: (757)221-2583
Office location: Room 205

Nancy Combs

Ernest W. Goodrich Professor of Law
Email: [[ncombs]]
Office phone: (757)221-3830
Office location: Room 212

Evan J. Criddle

Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development, Ernest W. Goodrich Professor of Law, and Director, Center for International Law and Policy
Email: [[ejcriddle]]
Office phone: (757)221-3808
Office location: Room 204

Neal E. Devins

Sandra Day O'Connor Professor of Law and Professor of Government
Email: [[nedevi]]
Office phone: (757)221-3845
Office location: Room 254C

Michael Dick

Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.), Director, Lewis B. Puller, Jr. Veterans Benefits Clinic, Director, Office of Military and Veteran Affairs, Clinical Associate Professor of Law
Email: [[medick]]
Office phone: (757)221-7410
Office location: Room 191

James Dwyer

Cabell Research Professor and Professor of Law
Email: [[jgdwye]]
Office phone: (757)221-2685
Office location: Room 243

Paul Robert Eckert

Professor of the Practice of Law
Email: [[preckert]]
Office phone: (757)221-5746
Office location: Room 229B

Jennifer R. Franklin

Professor of the Practice of Law
Email: [[jrfranklin]]
Office phone: (757)221-2488
Office location: Room 265

Adam M. Gershowitz

James D. & Pamela J. Penny Research Professor and Hugh & Nolie Haynes Professor of Law
Email: [[amgershowitz]]
Office phone: (757)221-7363
Office location: Room 259

Iria Giuffrida

Assistant Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs and Professor of the Practice of Law
Email: [[igiuffrida]]
Office phone: (757)221-2015
Office location: Room 247

Michael S. Green

Woodbridge Professor of Law
Email: [[msgre2]]
Office phone: (757)221-7746
Office location: Room 260

Rebecca Green

Associate Professor of Law and Co-Director, Election Law Program
Email: [[rgreen]]
Office phone: (757)221-3851
Office location: Room 254E

Vivian Hamilton

Chancellor Professor of Law; Director, W&M Center for Racial & Social Justice; Affiliate Faculty, Africana Studies and Gender, Sexuality, & Women’s Studies
Email: [[vhamilton]]
Office phone: (757)221-3839
Office location: Room 254B

Erin Joy Hendrickson

Herb V. Kelly Professor and Professor of the Practice of Law
Email: [[ejhendrickson]]
Office phone: (757)221-7457
Office location: Room 236C

Laura A. Heymann

James G. Cutler Professor of Law
Email: [[laheym]]
Office phone: (757)221-3812
Office location: Room 236D

Margaret Hu

Professor of Law
Email: [[mhu05]]
Office phone: (757)221-3277
Office location: Room 270

Eric A. Kades

Thomas Jefferson Professor of Law
Email: [[eakade]]
Office phone: (757)221-3828
Office location: Room 207

Stacy Kern-Scheerer

Director of Clinical Programs; Director, Immigration Clinic; Clinical Associate Professor of Law
Email: [[sekernscheerer]]
Office phone: (757)221-1460
Office location: Room 194

Laura R. Killinger

Director, Legal Practice Program, and Clinical Professor of Legal Writing
Email: [[lkillinger]]
Office phone: (757)221-3781
Office location: Room 217A

Allison Orr Larsen

Alfred Wilson & Mary I.W. Lee Professor of Law and Director, Institute of the Bill of Rights Law
Email: [[amlarsen]]
Office phone: (757)221-7985
Office location: Room 254D

Fredric I. Lederer

Chancellor Professor of Law and Director, CLCT
Email: [[filede]]
Office phone: (757)221-3792
Office location: Room 211D

Myrisha S. Lewis

Reveley Research Professor of Law
Email: [[mslewis01]]
Office phone: (757)221-1737
Office location: Room 254H

Mason Ernest Lowe

Professor of the Practice of Law
Email: [[melowe01]]
Office phone: (757)221-2946
Office location: Room 261

Thomas J. McSweeney

Professor of Law
Email: [[tjmcsweeney]]
Office phone: (757)221-3829
Office location: Room 223B

Nicole Medved

Professor of the Practice of Law
Email: [[jnalanko]]
Office phone: (757)221-1092
Office location: Room 182

Alan J. Meese

Ball Professor of Law and Director, Center for the Study of Law & Markets
Email: [[ajmees]]
Office phone: (757)221-1609
Office location: Room 254G

Steven E. Miskinis

Professor of the Practice of Law
Email: [[semiskinis]]
Office phone: (757)221-3279
Office location: Room 267

Nathan B. Oman

Rita Anne Rollins Professor of Law
Email: [[nboman]]
Office phone: (757)221-3919
Office location: Room 242

Nicole B. Porter

Rita Anne Rollins Professor of Law
Email: [[nbporter]]
Office phone: (757)221-5180
Office location: Room 212

Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec

Professor of Law
Email: [[srrajec]]
Office phone: (757)221-3175
Office location: Room 216

A. Benjamin Spencer

Dean and Trustee Professor
Email: [[lsdean]]
Office phone: (757)221-3790
Office location: Room 292

Catherine Stahl

Director of LLM Programs and Professor of the Practice of Law
Email: [[cstahl]]
Office phone: (757)221-2456
Office location: Room 241

James Y. Stern

Professor of Law and Director, William & Mary Property Rights Project
Email: [[jystern]]
Office phone: (757)221-1341
Office location: Room 227A

Caleb R. Stone

Professor of the Practice of Law, Lewis B. Puller, Jr. Veterans Benefits Clinic
Email: [[crstone]]
Office phone: (757)221-1096
Office location: Room 187

Leslie A. Street

Clinical Professor of Legal Research and Director of the Wolf Law Library
Email: [[lstreet]]
Office phone: (757)221-3252
Office location: Room L102F

Cynthia V. Ward

Professor of Law
Email: [[cvward]]
Office phone: (757)221-1476
Office location: Room 215

Christie S. Warren

Professor of the Practice of International and Comparative Law and Director, Center for Comparative Legal Studies and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding
Email: [[cswarr]]
Office phone: (757)221-7852
Office location: Room 229A

Jim Wheaton

Director, Special Education Advocacy Clinic; Clinical Associate Professor of Law
Email: [[jjwheaton]]
Office phone: (757)221-7772
Office location: Room 185

Timothy Zick

Robert & Elizabeth Scott Research Professor and John Marshall Professor of Government and Citizenship
Email: [[tzick]]
Office phone: (757)221-2076
Office location: Room 214

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