Fredric I. Lederer

Fredric I. Lederer

Chancellor Professor of Law and Director, CLCT
Degrees: LL.M., University of Virginia School of Law; NDG, University of Exeter; J.D., Columbia University School of Law; B.S., Polytechnic University
Email: [[filede]]
Office phone: (757) 221-3792
Office location: Room 211D
Areas of Specialization

Computers and the Law; Constitutional Law--4th, 5th, 6th Amendments; Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure Law; Evidence; Law Related Education; Law and Technology; Legal Research; Legal Skills; Legal Writing; Military Law; Practice of Law; Professional Responsibility; Trial Practice

Teaching Interests

Evidence and Applied Evidence; Technology-Augmented Trial Advocacy; Criminal Procedure; Electronic Discovery and Data Seizures; Military Law; Legal Skills

Representative Professional Activities and Achievements

Joined the faculty in 1980. Clerked for Judge Frederick P. Bryan, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, held various legal positions with the U.S. Army including four years on the faculty of the Judge Advocate General's School and Army Member, Joint Service Committee on Military Justice Working Group. He was a Fulbright-Hays Scholar at the Max Planck Institut fur auslandisches und internationales Strafrecht, Freiburg, Germany.

Founder and director, The Center for Legal and Court Technology (formerly the Courtroom 21 Project) which includes in William & Mary's McGlothlin Moot Courtroom the world's most technologically advanced courtroom.

Virginia Bar Committee on Technology and Practice of Law (2007-present)

Public Member, 1996-99, "The Code Committee;" appointed in 1996 by the Secretary of Defense as one of two public members to join the Judge Advocates General and the judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces on this Congressionally created military law committee; co-chair, Code Committee Subcommittee on Technology.

Member, ABA Section of Criminal Justice, Committee on Rules of Criminal Procedure and Evidence, 1980-82 (Reporter, Article V - Federal Rules of Evidence, Subcommittee); 1983-2011.

Primary co-author, Executive Order No. 12198, March 12, 1980, promulgating the Military Rules of Evidence. See 8 M.J. LXVII (1980). Principal author of Military Rules of Evidence 301-316, codifying the law of confessions and admissions and search and seizure. Author of the Analysis of the 1980 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, MCM, 1969 (Rev. ed.) A18, reprinted in 8 M.J. LXVII.

Scholarly Publications
  • Court-Martial Procedure (Lexis Nexis 5th ed. 2020 ) (with Francis Gilligan). [4th ed. 2015; 3d ed. 2006].
  • Court-Martial Procedure (with Frances Gilligan) (5th ed., 2020) (2 volume treatise).
  • Fundamental Criminal Procedure (2020) (Desktop published).
  • Basic Advocacy and Litigation in a Technological Age (Wolter Kluwer 2017).
  • A Modern Approach to Evidence (6th ed. 2016) (with Richard O. Lempert et al.) (in press).
  • Courtroom Criminal Evidence (6th ed. 2016) (with Edward Imwinkelried, Paul Giannelli & Fran Gilligan).
  • Military Law ( 2015) (Desktop published).
  • Excerpts from Basic Advocacy and Litigation in a Technological World (2013) [Desktop published].
  • An Introduction to Law, Law Study & The Lawyer's Role (with James Moliterno) Carolina Academic Press 3d ed. 2010) (with James Moliterno). [2d ed. 2004; 1st ed. 1991].
  • Becoming a Trial Lawyer (2008) (with Steve Grossman & Michele Gilman).
  • Basic Virginia Law for Non-Lawyers (2d ed. 2007) (Editor-in-Chief). [1st ed. 1993].
  • Military Law, Cases and Materials (3d ed. 2003) (Desktop published).
  • The Use of Technology in the Jury Room (2002) (results of a year and half Courtoom 21 empirical and legal research effort funded by the State Justice Institute, desktop-published with copies distributed to all SJI depositories and web-published at (Project Director).
  • The Millennium Lawyer (published via CD ROM, 2000) (with Richard Herrmann).
  • Emerging Problems Under the Federal Rules of Evidence (3d ed. 1998) (with others).
  • Concepts of American Law (Fredric I. Lederer, et al. eds. 1991) (law related curriculum materials for middle school use).
  • Aspects of American Law (Fredric I. Lederer, et al. eds. 1989) (law related education curriculum materials for high school and college use published in Virginia). [1st ed. 1988].
  • Evidence in America: The Federal Rules of Evidence in the States (annual Supplement Reporter for Rules 201; 301-304) (1987) (with Gregory P. Joseph & Stephen A. Saltzburg).
  • Defending Criminal Cases in Virginia (1981) (with others).
  • Criminal Evidence (West Pub. Co. 1979) (with Edward Imwinkelried, Paul Giannelli & Fran Gilligan) (2d ed. Michie 1987).
  • The Road to the Military Courthouse (ABA Committee on General Practice 1976) (pamphlet).
  • Cases and Materials on the Analysis of the Military Criminal Legal System (2d ed. 1975) (The Judge Advocate General's School, U.S. Army).
Articles and Book Chapters
  • Fredric I. Lederer, Here There Be Dragons, - The Likely Intersection of Judges With the Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem, ABA Judges' J. (February, 2020).
  • Fredric I. Lederer, Thoughts on Remote Appearances and Virtual Hearings, An Essay for the CLCT Court Affiliates, (May, 2020) (published to the CLCT Court Affiliates website and distributed internationally by the National Center for State Courts).
  • Iria Giuffrida, Fredric Lederer, and Nicolas Vermeys, A Legal Perspective on the Trials and Tribulations of AI, How Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Smart Contracts and Other Technologies Will Affect the Law, 68 Case W. Res. L. R. 747 (2018).
  • From Rome to the Military Justice Acts of 2016 – and Beyond or Continuing Civilianization of the Military Criminal Legal System, 225 Mil. L. Rev. 512 (2017).
  • Technology-augmented and Virgual Courts, and Courtrooms, in Crime, and Justice (Tom Holt ed., Routledge 2017).
  • Access to Justice, Global Inclusion, in Disability, Human Rights, and Information Technology (Michael Stein & Jonathan Lazar eds., U. Penn. Press 2017).
  • Judging in the Age of Technology, Judge's Journal, December (2014).
  • Some Thoughts on Technology and the Practice of Law, The Bencher, January-February, 2014.
  • Wired, What We Have Learned About Courtroom Technology, ABA Crim. Just., Winter (2010).
  • Impractically Obscure? Privacy and Courtroom Proceedings in Light of Webcasting and Other New Technologies, Law/Technology, 3rd Quarter, 2008, at 10 (World Jurist Association) (with Rebecca Hulse).
  • Equal Access, Everybody Deserves Their Day in Court, Legal Tech. News , Dec. 2007, at 34.
  • The Courtroom in the Age of Technology, in Celebrating the Courthouse 14 (Steven Flanders ed., 2006).
  • Courtroom Technology: A Status Report, in Electronic Judicial Resource Management 179 (Kamlesh N. Agarwala & Murlui D. Tiwari eds., New Delhi 2005).
  • Technology-Augmented Courtrooms -- Progress Amid a Few Complications, or the Problematic Interrelationship Between Court and Counsel, 60 N.Y.U. Ann. Surv. Am. L. 675 (2005).
  • The Courtroom 21 Project: Creating the Courtroom of the Twenty-First Century, 43 ABA Judges' J., Winter, 2004, at 39.
  • The Potential Use of Courtroom Technology in Major Terrorism Cases, 12 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 887 (2004).
  • Courtroom Technology - Courtroom Technology: For Trial Lawyers the Future is Now, A.B.A. Crim. Just. Mag., Spring, Apr. 2004, at 14.
  • 21st Century Trials, The Technology Wars Are Here!, For The Defense, Dec. 2001, at 30.
  • The Effect of Courtroom Technologies On and in Appellate Proceedings and Courtrooms, 2 J. App. Prac. & Process 251 (2000), reprinted in 50 Defense L.J. 773 (2001).
  • The New Courtroom: the Intersection of Evidence and Technology: Some Thoughts On the Evidentiary Aspects of Technologically Produced or Presented Evidence, 28 Sw. U. L. Rev. 389 (1999).
  • The Road To the Virtual Courtroom? A Consideration of Today's—and Tomorrow's—High Technology Courtrooms?, St. Just. Inst. 800 (1999), reprinted in 50 S.C. L. Rev. 799 (1999).
  • Courtroom Technology and Its Educational Implications, Educ. & Prac., Fall, 1998, at 3.
  • The Courtroom As a Stop On the Information Superhighway, 71 Australian J.L. Reform 4 (1998).
  • Does the Fourth Amendment Apply to the Armed Forces?, 3 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 219 (1994) (with F. L. Borch), reprinted in 144 Mil. L. Rev. 110, and Search & Seizure L. Rep., Dec. 1994.
  • Needed: An Independent Military Judiciary: A Proposal To Amend the Uniform Code of Military Justice, 3 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 629 (1994) (with Barbara S. Hundley).
  • Technology Comes to the Courtroom, and…., 43 Emory L.J. 1095 (1994).
  • Courtroom Proceedings and Privacy in Light of Modern Technology, (presented to the Fifth National Conference on Privacy and Public Access to Court Records) (2007).
  • It's Prime Time for Videoconferencing in Court, Legal Tech. News, Oct. 11, 2006.
  • Ruminations on Public Perceptions of Technology-Enabled Dispute Resolution and Their Legal Effects, 1 (2005) (internal desktop published).
  • Why the Reluctance? Lawyers Still Hesitate to Show They are Tech Savvy., Law Tech. News, Oct. 29, 2003, at 38.
  • From Trials to Recruiting, The Days of Shaky Images and Busy Sound Are Gone, Legal Tech. Newsl., June 19, 2003, at 38.
  • An Introduction To Technology Based Evidence Presentation, Legal Tech. Product News, Dec. 2000.
  • Courtroom Technology, A Judicial Primer, A.B.A. Judges' J., Winter, 2000, at 13.
  • Courtroom Technology in the 21st Century, Trial, July 1999, at 38.
  • Courtroom Technology From the Judge's Perspective, Court Review, Aug. 1998, at 20.
  • Courtroom Technology - An Introduction To the Onrushing Future, National Center for State Courts, CD-Rom (1997) (with Solomon) (Proceedings of the 5th Court Technology Conference).
  • An Introduction To Technology-Based Evidence Presentation, Legal Tech. Product News, June 1997.
  • Technology Augmented Litigation, Proceedings of the Fifth National/First European Conference On Law, Computers & Artificial Intelligence (1996), reprinted in 5 Info.& Comm. Tech. L. (1996).
  • Courtroom Technology: The Future Is Now, USA Today, Apr. 25, 1996, at 13A.
  • Revolution in Courtroom Technology Presents Opportunity and Risk, Trial, Nov. 1994, at 86.
  • Funeral Oration in Honor of United States v. Burton, Army Law., July 1994, at 40.
  • Courtroom 21: A Model Courtroom of the 21st Century, Nat'l Center for St. Cts. Bull., Jan. 1994, at 1.
  • The Military Rules of Evidence, Origin and Judicial Interpretation, 130 Mil. L. Rev. 5 (1990).
  • Resolving the Frye Dilemma - A Reliability Approach, 26 Jurimetrics 237 (1986), reprinted in 115 F.R.D. 84 (1987).
  • Scientific Evidence - An Introduction, 25 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 517 (1984).
  • The Procurement and Presentation of Evidence Before Courts-Martial: Confrontation and Compulsory Process, 101 Mil. L. Rev. 1 (1983) (with F. A. Gilligan).
  • Now You See It: Now You Don't -- Implicit Repeal of the Jencks Act, 14 Advoc. 94 (1982).
  • The Military Rules of Evidence: An Overview, 12 Advoc. 113 (1980).
  • Miranda v. Arizona, The Law Today, 78 Mil. L. Rev. 107 (1977).
  • Doing Away With the Exclusionary Rule, 28 U. Ala. L. Rev. 533 (1977) (with F. Gilligan).
  • Reappraising the Legality of Post-trial Interviews, The Army Law., July 1977, at 12.
  • United States v. Eugene Lovasco, Sr., Preview of U.S. Sup. Ct. Cases, Mar. 31, 1977, at 3.
  • Let's Do Away With the Exclusionary Rule, 2 Mil. Police L. Enforcement J., Winter, 1976, at 28 (with F. A. Gilligan).
  • Rights Warnings in the Armed Services, 72 Mil. L. Rev. 1 (1976).
  • The Law of Confessions - The Voluntariness Doctrine, 74 Mil. L. Rev. 67 (1976).
  • U.S. v. McOmber, A Brief Critique, The Army Law., June 1976, at 5.
  • Detection Dogs and the Fourth Amendment, Search & Seizure L. Rep., Dec. 1975, at 1 (with F. A. Gilligan).
  • Absence Without Leave -- The Nature of the Offense, The Army Law., 1974, at 4.
  • Marijuana Dog Searches After U.S. v. Unrue, The Army Law., Dec. 1973, at 6 (with Calvin M. Lederer).
  • Admissibility of Evidence Found by Marijuana Detection Dogs, Army Law., Apr. 1973, at 12 (with Calvin M. Lederer).

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