Jeffrey Bellin

Jeffrey Bellin

Mills E. Godwin, Jr., Professor of Law
Degrees: J.D., Stanford Law School; B.A., Columbia University
Email: [[jbellin]]
Office phone: (757) 221-7364
Office location: Room 210
Full resume: here (.pdf in new window)
Areas of Specialization

Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure; Evidence; Law and Technology

Teaching Interests

Evidence; Criminal Procedure; Criminal Law; Criminal Justice Seminar; Professional Responsibility

Representative Professional Activities and Achievements

Jeffrey Bellin received his undergraduate degree from Columbia University (summa cum laude) and his law degree from Stanford Law School (Order of the Coif). After graduating from law school, Professor Bellin clerked for Merrick Garland of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Following his clerkship, Professor Bellin worked at the United States Attorney’s Office in Washington, D.C., and the San Diego office of Latham & Watkins.

Professor Bellin received a 2019 SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Award, the Commonwealth's highest honor for faculty at Virginia's public and private colleges and universities. In 2018, he received the law school’s McGlothlin Award for Exceptional Teaching; in 2017, Professor Bellin was named a University Professor for Teaching Excellence (three-year term) upon the recommendation of a College-wide faculty search committee; and he received the Walter Williams Memorial Teaching Award for “excellence in teaching” from the 2014 and 2023 graduating classes.

Professor Bellin’s legal writing is regularly cited in federal and state judicial opinions and scholarly commentary. He also frequently contributes to the media. His commentary has been featured in numerous outlets, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, NBC, ABC, USA Today, NPR, and The Wall Street Journal.

Professor Bellin is an elected member of the American Law Institute (ALI).

Scholarly Publications
  • Mass Incarceration Nation: How the United States Became Addicted to Prisons and Jails and How it Can Recover (Cambridge U. Press 2023). Online.
  • Criminal Procedure: Constitutional Limits on Policing (2023) (with Adam M. Gershowitz). Online.
  • The Law of Evidence (2021). Online.
  • Criminal Procedure: The Adjudication Process (2020) (with Adam M. Gershowitz). Online.
  • Hearsay, vol. 30B, in Federal Practice & Procedure (Thomson Reuters 2017) (with Charles A. Wright). Online.
Articles and Book Chapters
  • Principles of Prosecutor Lenience, 102 Texas L. Rev. 1541 (2024). SSRN.
  • Race, the Academy, and the Constitution of the War on Drugs, 134 Yale L. J. __ (forthcoming) (with Bennett Capers).
  • Murder on the Hearsay Trail, 12 Texas A&M L. Rev. __ (forthcoming). SSRN.
  • The Needless Search for a Founding Era "Hearsay" Definition, 57 U. Mich. J.L. Ref. __ (forthcoming). SSRN.
  • Eliminating Rule 609 to Provide a Fair Opportunity to Defend Against Criminal Charges, 92 Fordham L. Rev. 2471 (2024). SSRN.
  • Plea Bargaining's Uncertainty Problem, 101 Texas L. Rev. 539 (2023). SSRN.
  • Sentencing in an Era of Plea Bargains, 102 North Carolina L. Rev. 179 (2023) (with Jenia Turner). SSRN.
  • The Superfluous Evidence Rules, 76 Vanderbilt L. Rev. 1769 (2023). SSRN.
  • Pure Privacy, 116 Nw. U. L. Rev. 463 (2021). SSRN.
  • The Evidence Rules that Convict the Innocent, 106 Cornell L. Rev. 305 (2021). SSRN.
  • The Modest Impact of the Modern Confrontation Clause, 89 Tenn L. Rev. 67 (2021) (with Diana Bibb). SSRN.
  • Defending Progressive Prosecution, 39 Yale L. & Pol'y Rev. 218 (2020). SSRN.
  • Theories of Prosecution, 108 Cal. L. Rev. 1203 (2020). SSRN.
  • Fourth Amendment Textualism, 118 Mich. L. Rev. 233 (2019). SSRN.
  • Policing the Admissibility of Body Camera Evidence, 87 Fordham L. Rev. 1425 (2019) (with Shevarma Pemberton). SSRN.
  • The Power of Prosecutors, 94 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 171 (2019). SSRN.
  • Reassessing Prosecutorial Power Through the Lens of Mass Incarceration, 116 Mich. L. Rev. 835 (2018). SSRN.
  • The Silence Penalty, 103 Iowa L. Rev. 395 (2018). SSRN.
  • The Right to Remain Armed, 93 Wash. U. L. Rev. 1 (2015). SSRN.
  • Trial by Google: Judicial Notice in the Information Age, 109 Nw. U. L. Rev. 1137 (2014) (with Andrew Ferguson). SSRN.
  • Attorney Competence in an Age of Plea Bargaining and Econometrics, 12 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 153 (2014). SSRN.
  • The Inverse Relationship between the Constitutionality and Effectiveness of New York City 'Stop and Frisk', 94 B.U. L. Rev. 1495 (2014). SSRN.
  • eHearsay, 98 Minn. L. Rev. 7 (2013). SSRN.
  • Facebook, Twitter, and the Uncertain Future of Present Sense Impressions, 160 U. Pa. L. Rev. 331 (2012). SSRN.
  • The Incredible Shrinking Confrontation Clause, 92 B.U. L. Rev. 1865 (2012). SSRN.
  • Crime-Severity Distinctions and the Fourth Amendment: Reassessing Reasonableness in a Changing World, 97 Iowa L. Rev. 1 (2011). SSRN.
  • Widening Batson's Net to Ensnare More Than the Unapologetically Bigoted or Painfully Unimaginative Attorney, 96 Cornell L. Rev. 1075 (2011) (with Junichi Semitsu). SSRN.
  • Is Punishment Relevant After All? A Prescription for Informing Juries of the Consequences of Conviction, 90 B.U. L. Rev. 2223 (2010). SSRN.
  • Reconceptualizing the Fifth Amendment Prohibition of Adverse Comment on Criminal Defendants' Trial Silence, 71 Ohio St. L.J. 229 (2010). SSRN.
  • Can Judges Help Ease Mass Incarceration?, Judicature, 2024, at 75. Online.
  • The Volume Problem, 65 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 777 (2024) (symposium introduction). SSRN.
  • Opinion Analysis, Argument Analysis, and Case Preview: Samia v. United States, SCOTUSBLOG (2023). Online.
  • The Road to End Mass Incarceration Could Begin in a Surprising Place, NBC News, 2023. Online.
  • Understanding Mass Incarceration in the US is the First Step, The Conversation (2023). Online.
  • We Can Ensure Public Safety and Still Reduce Incarceration, Law360 (2023). Online.
  • The One Trap Every Trump Prosecutor Needs to Avoid, Slate, Aug. 25, 2023 (with Adam M. Gershowitz). Online.
  • A World without Prosecutors, 13 Calif. L. Rev. Online Symposium 1 (2022). Online.
  • The Imagined Juror, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books (2022). Online.
  • Opinion Analysis, Argument Analysis, and Case Preview: Torres v. Madrid, SCOTUSblog (2021). Online.
  • Expanding the Reach of Progressive Prosecution, J. Crim. L. & Criminology 707 (2020). SSRN.
  • The Changing Role of the American Prosecutor, Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 329 (2020). SSRN.
  • How Do We Know If Prosecutors Are Doing A Good Job?, Law360 (2019). Online.
  • A First Step Toward Sentencing Reform, The Hill, Aug. 22, 2018 (Op-ed). Online.
  • Waiting for Justice, Slate, Feb. 7, 2018 (Op-ed). Online.
  • It's Too Easy to Push Minorities Off Juries, USA Today, Dec. 14, 2017 (Op-ed). Online.
  • 'Serial' Should Release Bergdahl Interviews, USA Today, Aug. 30, 2016 (Op-ed). Online.
  • Does the 'McConnell Principle' make sense?,, Apr. 12, 2016 (Op-ed). Online.
  • The Right Justice for a Divided Country,, Mar. 18, 2016 (Op-ed). Online.
  • How the Supreme Court can change politics as usual, Washington Post, Jan. 21, 2016 (Op-ed). Online.
  • Justice for the 1 Percent,, Sept. 18, 2015 (Op-ed). Online.
  • America's Public Corruption Problem,, Apr. 7, 2015 (Op-ed). Online.
  • A Key Lesson from the Garner and Ferguson Cases,, Dec. 8, 2014 (Op-ed). Online.
  • Presentation to the Federal Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Evidence, 83 Fordham L. Rev. 1163, 1205 (2014) (Transcript of Remarks). Online.
  • What the McDonnell Verdict Says About U.S. Politics, Washington Post, Sept. 5, 2014 (Op-ed). Online.
  • The Case for eHearsay, 83 Fordham L. Rev. 1317 (2014) (symposium). SSRN.
  • Modern Justice and the Bill of Rights, Daily Press, Aug. 3, 2013 (Op-ed). Online.
  • Applying Crawford's Confrontation Right in a Digital Age, 45 Tex. Tech. L. Rev. 33 (2012) (symposium article). SSRN.
  • How ‘Duty to Retreat’ Became ‘Stand Your Ground,, Mar. 21, 2012 (op-ed). Online.

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