Nicole Medved

Nicole Medved

Professor of the Practice of Law
Degrees: J.D., William & Mary Law School; B.A., The George Washington University
Email: [[jnalanko]]
Office phone: (757) 221-1092
Office location: Room 182
Representative Professional Activities and Achievements

J. Nicole Medved, J.D. ’18, is a Professor of the Practice at William & Mary Law School’s Immigration Clinic, her alma mater. Nicole works closely with students in the Clinic to serve immigrants in Hampton Roads, especially those who are survivors of crime, torture, and persecution. In addition to her casework and student supervision, she also manages the Clinic’s online communication and engagement, especially the Clinic’s blog and pro se resources.

Before returning to William & Mary, Nicole served as an Immigrant Justice Corps Fellow at Safe Horizon in Brooklyn, NY. During her time at Safe Horizon, she represented survivors of violence, crime, and torture in their immigration proceedings before USCIS and the Immigration Court. In addition to her casework, she was involved in Safe Horizon’s anti-racism policy initiatives, trained pro bono attorneys for days of service, and drafted a response on behalf of Safe Horizon to sweeping changes to asylum regulations.

Nicole is also a published scholar on issues related to U Visas and Asylum. Her articles have been published in the Hastings Race & Poverty Law Journal and the University of Pennsylvania’s Journal of Law and Social Change.

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