Recent and Forthcoming Scholarship

Recent and Forthcoming Scholarship


Jeffrey Bellin

  • Mass Incarceration Nation: How the United States Became Addicted to Prisons and Jails and How it Can Recover (Cambridge U. Press 2023). Online.

Evan J. Criddle

  • Mandatory Cooperation Under International Law (Cambridge U. Press, forthcoming 2024) (with Evan Fox-Decent).

Neal Devins

  • How the Courts Can Save Themselves (Oxford U. Press) (with Allison Orr Larsen).

James Dwyer

  • International Migration of Children: Human Rights, State Power, and Nations' Duties (Oxford U. Press, forthcoming 2024).

Adam M. Gershowitz

  • Criminal Law: Cases and Comments (Foundation Press 11th ed. 2022; 10th ed. 2017; 9th ed. 2013) (with Ashdown, Bacigal & Finegan).

Michael S. Green

  • The Philosophical Foundations of Private International Law (Oxford U. Press 2024) (Roxana Banu, Michael S. Green and Ralf Michaels eds.). Online.

Margaret Hu

  • Pandemic Surveillance: Privacy, Security, and Data Ethics (Edward Elgar Pub., forthcoming 2023) (edited volume).
  • The Big Data Constitution: Constitutional Reform in the Cybersurveillance State (Cambridge U. Press, forthcoming 2023).

Allison Orr Larsen

  • How the Courts Can Save Themselves (Oxford U. Press) (with Neal E. Devins).

Myrisha Lewis

  • Subterranean Regulation: Science, Politics, and Reproductive Genetic Innovation (under contract, New York University Press) (forthcoming 2026).

Nathan Oman

  • Law and the Restoration: Essays on Law and the Latter-day Saint Tradition (Greg Kofford Books 2024).
  • Democracy, Religion, and the Market (2023 Routledge) (with Kathleen Flake eds.).

Nicole Porter

  • The Workplace Reimagined: Accomodating Our Bodies and Our Lives (Cambridge Univ. Press 2023).

Timothy Zick

  • Managed Dissent: The Law of Public Protest (Cambridge U. Press 2023).
  • The First Amendment: Cases and Theory (Wolters Kluwer 4th ed. 2022).


Jeffrey Bellin

  • Principles of Prosecutor Lenience, 102 Texas L. Rev. 1541 (2024). SSRN.
  • Race, the Academy, and the Constitution of the War on Drugs, 134 Yale L. J. __ (forthcoming) (with Bennett Capers).
  • Murder on the Hearsay Trail, 12 Texas A&M L. Rev. __ (forthcoming). SSRN.
  • The Needless Search for a Founding Era "Hearsay" Definition, 57 U. Mich. J.L. Ref. __ (forthcoming). SSRN.
  • Eliminating Rule 609 to Provide a Fair Opportunity to Defend Against Criminal Charges, 92 Fordham L. Rev. 2471 (2024). SSRN.
  • Plea Bargaining's Uncertainty Problem, 101 Texas L. Rev. 539 (2023). SSRN.
  • Sentencing in an Era of Plea Bargains, 102 North Carolina L. Rev. 179 (2023) (with Jenia Turner). SSRN.
  • The Superfluous Evidence Rules, 76 Vanderbilt L. Rev. 1769 (2023). SSRN.

Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl

  • Law and Equity on Appeal, Colum. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming). SSRN.
  • Supreme Court Litigators in the Age of Textualism, 76 Florida L. Rev. 59 (2024). SSRN.
  • Making and Managing Interpretive Change, N. Car. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2025).
  • The Supreme Court Review Act: Fast-Tracking the Interbranch Dialogue and Destabilizing the Filibuster, 25 U. Penn. J. Constitutional L. Online 1 (2023). SSRN.
  • Interpreting State Statutes in Federal Court, 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 61 (2022). SSRN.
  • Improving (and Avoiding) Interstate Interpretive Encounters, 2022 Wis. L. Rev. 1139 (2022). SSRN.

Eric D. Chason

  • Crypto and the Fiduciary Investor, 94 Miss. L.J. __ (forthcoming 2024).
  • Crypto Assets and the Problem of Tax Classifications, 100 Wash. U. L. Rev. 765 (2023). Online.
  • Regulating Crypto, On and Off the Chain, 64 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1011 (2023). Online.

Nancy Combs

  • Redressing Judicial Misbehavior: An Integrated Approach to Judicial Immunity, 58 U.C. Davis L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2025).
  • Fairness Writ Large or Writ Small in International Criminal Justice, Florida Int'l U. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2025) (invited symposium).
  • Admissions of Guilt, in Evidence in International Criminal Procedure (Kai Ambos et al., eds., forthcoming 2025).
  • Aggressor Status and its Impact on International Criminal Law Case Selection, 35 Pace Int'l L. Rev. 101 (2024) (Invited contributions). SSRN.
  • Holding Aggressors Responsible for International Crimes: Implementing the Unequal Enforcement Doctrine, 57 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 2383 (2024). SSRN.
  • The Facts of Transitional Justice, in The Oxford Handbook of Transitional Justice (2024) (Lawrence Douglas et al., eds.).
  • Dissent and Legitimacy in International Criminal Law, 57 Wake Forest L. Rev. 1061 (2023). SSRN.
  • Evidentiary Deficiencies in International Criminal Law: Tracing the Trajectory from Ignored to Integral to Irrelevant, 22 Int'l Crim. L. Rev. 835 (2022). SSRN.
  • International Criminal Justice after Atrocities, in The Oxford Handbook of Mass Atrocities (Barbora Hola et al., eds., Oxford U. Press 2022).

Evan J. Criddle

  • Extraterritoriality’s Empire: How Self-Determination Limits Extraterritorial Lawmaking, 118 Am. J. Int'l L. ___ (forthcoming 2024).
  • Legal Order at the Border, 56 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1503 (2023). SSRN.
  • Turning Sanctions into Reparations: Lessons for Russia/Ukraine, 64 Harv. Int'l. L.J. Online (2023). Online.

Katherine Mims Crocker

  • Constitutional Rights, Remedies, and Transsubstantivity, 110 Va. L. Rev. ___ (forthcoming 2024). SSRN.
  • A Prophylactic Approach to Compact Constitutionality, 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1185 (2023). SSRN.
  • Qualified Immunity, Sovereign Immunity, and Systemic Reform, 71 Duke L.J. 1701 (2022). SSRN.

Neal Devins

  • The Independent Agency Myth, 108 Cornell L. Rev. 1305 (2023) (with David E. Lewis). Online.
  • Circuit Personalities, 108 Va. L. Rev. 1315 (2022) (with Allison O. Larsen).

James Dwyer

  • The Real Wrongs of ICWA, 69 Villanova L. Rev. 1 (2024).
  • Faux Advocacy in Amicus Practice, 50 Pepperdine Law Review 633 (2023). SSRN.
  • Smith’s Last Stand? Free Exercise and Foster Care Exceptionalism, 24 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 856 (2022).
  • The Most Dangerous Branch of Science? Reining in Rogue Research and Reckless Experimentation in Social Services, 87 Mo. L. Rev. 1 (2022). SSRN.

Adam M. Gershowitz

  • Accidental Brady Violations, 12 Tex. A&M L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024). SSRN.
  • The Brady Database, 114 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 1 (2024) (with Brandon L. Garrett & Jennifer Teitcher). SSRN.
  • The Prosecutor Vacancy Crisis, 50 BYU L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024). SSRN.
  • Mercy for the Masses: A Default Rule of Automatically Triggered Commutations, 103 Tex. L. Rev. 1431 (2024) (symposium).
  • The Tesla Meets the Fourth Amendment, 48 BYU L. Rev. 1135 (2023). SSRN.
  • Laundering Police Lies, 2023 Wis. L. Rev. 1187 (2023) (with Caroline Lewis). SSRN.
  • The Myth of the All-Powerful Federal Prosecutor at Sentencing, 95 St. John's L. Rev. 581 (2022).

Iria Giuffrida

  • Technology integration in higher education and student privacy beyond learning environments—A comparison of the UK and US perspective, British Journal of Education Technology __ (forthcoming 2023). Online.

Michael S. Green

  • A Plea for Private International Law (Conflict of Laws), Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection __ (forthcoming 2024).
  • Jurisdiction and the Moral Impact Theory of Law, 29 Legal Theory 29 (2023). Online.

Rebecca Green

  • Comparative Redistricting Transparency, (with Lucas Della Ventura ’24) (forthcoming 2024).
  • Legal Support & Local Election Officials, Washington & Lee L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024).
  • FOIA-Flooded Elections, 85 Ohio State L. J. 255 (2024). SSRN.
  • Adversarial Election Administration, 101 N.C. L. Rev. 1077 (2023). SSRN.
  • Election Surveillance, 57 Wake Forest L. Rev. 101 (2022). SSRN.

Vivian Hamilton

  • Menstrual Justice in Theoretical Context, 98 N.Y.U L. Rev. 133 (2023) (reviewing Bridget Crawford and Emily Waldman, Menstruation Matters: Challenging the Law's Silence on Periods) (book review). Online.

Laura Heymann

  • Attribution as Architecture in the Digital Age, 65 Jurimetrics __ (forthcoming 2025).
  • "The Law Doesn’t Work Like a Computer”: Exploring Software Licensing Issues Faced by Legal Practitioners, 40 Proceedings of FSE ’24 (2024) (with Nathan Wintersgill, Trevor Stalnaker, Oscar Chaparro & Denys Poshyvanyk). Online.
  • Trolley Problems, Private Necessity, and the Duty to Rescue, 60 San Diego L. Rev. 1 (2023). SSRN.
  • Trademark Law and Consumer Constraints, 64 Ariz. L. Rev. 339 (2022) (winner of the International Trademark Association’s 2021 Ladas Memorial Award (professional category)). SSRN.

Margaret Hu

  • Critical Data Theory, 65 Wm & Mary L. Rev. 839 (2024) (2023 Symposium: "Mass Incarceration Nation").
  • National Security & Federalizing Data Privacy Infrastructure for AI Governance, 92 Fordham L. Rev. 1829 (2024) (2023 Symposium: "The New AI").
  • Biometrics and an AI Bill of Rights, 60 Duq L. Rev. 283 (2022). Online.
  • Decitizenizing Asian Pacific American Women, 93 U. Colo. L. Rev. 325 (2022) (with Shoba S. Wadhia). Online.

Eric A. Kades

  • Anti Trusts: Reforming an Excessively Flexible Legal Tool, 47 Vt. L. Rev. 331 (2023) (invited symposium article).
  • Comparing & Contrasting Economic and Natural Law Approaches to Policymaking, 9 Tex. A&M J. Prop. L. 561 (2023) (Invited ​symposium article).
  • One Trust, Two Taxes, 20 Pitt. Tax. Rev. 341 (2023) (invited symposium article).
  • A New Feudalism: Selfish Genes, Great Wealth and the Rise of the Dynastic Family Trust, 55 U. CONN. L. REV. 19 (2022). Online.

Allison Orr Larsen

  • Learning to Disagree Agreeably, 110 Va L. Rev. Online 248 (2024). Online.
  • The Precarious Art of Classifying Facts, 73 Duke L.J. Online 191 (2024).
  • Becoming a Doctrine, 76 Fla. L. Rev. 1 (2024). SSRN.
  • Circuit Personalities, 108 Va. L. Rev. 1315 (2022) (with Neal E. Devins).

Myrisha Lewis

  • Normalizing Reproductive Genetic Innovation, 74 Admin. L. Rev. 481 (2022).
  • Segmented Innovation in the Legalization of Mitochondrial Transfer: Lessons from Australia and the United Kingdom, 22 Hous. J. Health L. & Pol’y 317 (2022).

Thomas J. McSweeney

  • ‘The laws of England, which had hitherto been used and approved’: Jurisdictional Understandings in the Thirteenth Century, J. Legal Hist. (With Atria A. Larson, forthcoming).
  • Appealing Magna Carta, 91 U. Chi. L. Rev. Online 1 (2023). SSRN.
  • Those Things Which are Written in Romance: Language and Law-Teaching in Thirteenth-Century England, 62 Am. J. Legal Hist. 285 (2022). Online.

Alan Meese

  • New Vision, Old Model: How the FTC Exaggerated Harms When Rejecting Business Justifications for Noncompetes, 109 Cornell L. Rev. Online 13. SSRN.
  • Regulation by (bad) Proxy: How Selective Application of Transaction Cost Economics Tainted the FTC’s Proposed Ban of Employee Noncompete Agreements, 100 Indiana L.J. Supplement __ (forthcoming 2024). SSRN.
  • Are Employee Noncompete Agreements Coercive? Why the FTC's Wrong Answer Disqualifies It from Rulemaking (For Now), 18 Va. L. & Bus. Rev. 245 (2024). SSRN.
  • The Rule of Reason’s Prima Facie Case: Did Harvard Get it Right?, 170 U. Penn. L. Rev. Online _____ (forthcoming 2023) (invited submission).
  • The Constitutional Moment that Wasn't: 1912-1914 and the Meaning of the Sherman Act, Network L. Rev. (2022). Online.
  • Don't Abolish Employee Noncompete Agreements, 57 Wake Forest L. Rev 631 (2022). SSRN.

Nathan Oman

  • Restructuring Ruritania: Bankruptcy, Sovereign Debt, and the Equity Receivership, 66 Ariz. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming).
  • The Case for Specific Performance of Personal Service Contracts, 110 Iowa L. Rev. __ (forthcoming) (with Kimberly Krawiec).
  • The Blessing That's Anticipated Here Will Be Realized in the Next Life”: The Development of Modern Latter-day Saint Marital Sealing Rules, 41 J. Mormon History 103 (2023).
  • Nomos, Narrative, and Nephi: Legal Interpretation in the Book of Mormon, 11 Brit. J. Am. Leg. Stud. 297 (2022).
  • Salt, Smurthwaite, and Smith: Litigation and the Legal Identity of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 48 J. Mormon Hist. 92 (2022).

Nicole Porter

  • Working through the Supreme Court's 2021 Term, 26 Emp. Rts. & Emp. Pol'y J. 145 (2023). Online.
  • #MeToo and the Process That's Due: Sexual Misconduct Where We Live, Work, and Learn, 2022 U. Ill. L. Rev. 663 (2022). Online.
  • Disability Diversity and Identity Capitalism, 56 New England L. Rev. 153 (2022). Online.

Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec

  • Patent Term Tailoring, 99 IND. L.J. 475 (2024). SSRN.
  • Advances in Patent Rights Acquisition in International Patent Law, 41 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 447 (2023). Online.
  • Pleasure Patents, 63 B.C. L. Rev. 571 (2022) (with Andrew Gilden). SSRN.

Sarah Stafford

  • Valuing shoreline habitats for recreational fishing, 253 Ocean and Coastal Management (2024).
  • Coastal Forests and Marshes Help Communities as Flooding Increases, 79 Virginia Forests (2023) (with Molly Mitchell & Pamela A. Mason).
  • Property owner shoreline modification decisions vary based on their perceptions of shoreline change and interests in ecological benefits, 10 Frontiers in Marine Science (2023) (with Amanda G. Guthrie et al.). Online.

James Stern

  • Intellectual Property and the Myth of Nonrivalry, 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1163 (2024). SSRN.
  • Analog Analogies: Intel v. Hamidi and the Future of Trespass to Chattels, 16 J. Tort L. 205 (2023) (with Maureen E. ​Brady). SSRN.
  • Right On Time: A Reply to Professors Allen, Claeys, Epstein, Gordon, Holbrook, Mossoff, Rose, and Van Houweling, 100 B.U. L. Rev. Online 48 (2022) (with Dotan Oliar). SSRN.

Caleb Stone

  • Making the Best from A Mess: Mental Health, Misconduct, and the “Insanity Defense” in the VA Disability Compensation System, 90 UMKC L. Rev. 661 (2022).

Cynthia Ward

  • Criminal Justice Reform and the Centrality of Intent, 68 Villanova L. Rev. 51 (2023). Online.

Timothy Zick

  • Public Protest and Governmental Immunities, Southern Cal. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024). SSRN.
  • Second Amendment Exceptionalism: Public Expression and Public Carry, 102 Tex. L. Rev. 65 (2023). SSRN.

Book Chapters

Kami Chavis

  • Technology, Policing and Implications for Marginalized Communities, in The Cambridge Handbook on Policing in the United States (Eric Miller and Tamara Lave eds., Cambridge U. Press 2019).

Nancy Combs

  • Judicial Immunity and its Limits: The Anglo-American Approach, in Transitional Justice and the Criminal Responsibility of Judges (Jaime Couso Salas et al. eds. (forthcoming 2025).

Michael S. Green

  • Authority and Interest Analysis, 136 in The Philosophical Foundations of Private International Law (Oxford U. Press 2024) (Roxana Banu, Michael S. Green & Ralf Michaels eds.). SSRN.
  • Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins in a Private International Law Context, 43 in The Common Law Jurisprudence of the Conflict of Laws (2023) (Sarah McKibbin and Anthony Kennedy eds., Hart Publ'g, 2023).

Rebecca Green

  • Partisanship Parity in U.S. Election Administration, in The Oxford Handbook of American Election Law (Eugene Mazo ed., Oxford U. Press, forthcoming 2024).

Vivian Hamilton

  • Children & the Law, in Oxford Bibliographies Online (Oxford U. Press, forthcoming 2023).
  • Rethinking the Age of Majority, in The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology and the Law (Jodi Quas & Allison Redlich eds., forthcoming 2023).

Laura Heymann

  • Names, Naming, and the Law: The Implications of Governmental Form Design, 35-50, in Names, Identity, and the Law (I.M. Nick ed., Routledge 2023). Online.

Myrisha Lewis

  • Reproductive Innovation and Reproductive Exceptionalism: How Private Health Insurance Coverage of Fertility Treatment Complements Hostile Governmental Action and Expands Access to Assisted Reproduction in the United States, in Private Law: Pathology or Pathway? (Cambridge University Press) (eds. I. Glenn Cohen, Wendy Netter Epstein, Christopher Robertson & Carmel Shachar) (forthcoming 2024).

Thomas J. McSweeney

  • Rights in the English Common Law, in The Cambridge History of Rights, Volume 2: The Middle Ages (Cambridge U. Press, forthcoming 2024).

Nathan Oman

  • Intent to Create Legal Relations and the Nature of Contractual Consent, in Research Handbook of the Philosophy of Contract Law (Mindy Chen & Prince Saprai eds., forthcoming 2024).
  • Introduction: Democracy and Religion in the Market, in Democracy, Religion, and the Market 1 (Kathleen Flake & Nathan B. Oman eds. 2023) (with Kathleen Flake).
  • Regulating Religious Performance on the Commercial Stage, in Democracy, Religion, and the Market 177 (Kathleen Flake & Nathan B. Oman eds. 2023).

Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec

  • Specialization Everywhere, in Improving Intellectual Property (2023) (Edward Elgar 2023) (with Melissa Wasserman).

Sarah Stafford

  • Using Regulatory Inspection Data to Measure Environmental Compliance, in Measuring Compliance: Assessing Corporate Crime and Misconduct Prevention (M. Rorie & B. van Rooij, Cambridge University Press 2022).

James Stern

  • Possession, Use, and Exclusion, in Handbook on Property Law & Theory (Chris Bevan ed., Elgar forthcoming 2024).

Christie S. Warren

  • The Constitutional Court of Indonesia as a Post-Conflict Institution, in Courts and Diversity: Twenty Years of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia (Bertus de Villiers, Saldi Isra, and Pan Mohamad Faiz, eds. Brill, 2024). Online.

Timothy Zick

  • Assembly Within ‘Sight and Sound’ Of the Audience, in Oxford Handbook of Peaceful Assembly (forthcoming 2023). SSRN.

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