Mark McGarvie
Visiting Professor of Law
Degrees: Ph.D., Indiana University Bloomington; M.A., Marquette University; J.D., Marquette University; B.A., Northwestern University
Email: [[mdmcga]]
Office location: Room 223A
Email: [[mdmcga]]
Office location: Room 223A
Representative Professional Activities and Achievements
Mark McGarvie has been at the law school since the fall of 2013, serving as a research scholar at the Institute of Bill of Rights Law and as a Visiting Professor of Law. He has published three books, most recently, LAW AND RELIGION IN AMERICAN HISTORY: PUBLIC VIRTUE AND PRIVATE CONSCIENCE (Cambridge University Press, 2016) and was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to teach at Zagreb University Law School (2015-16). Mark has taught Early American Legal History, Christian Influences on American Law, Employment Discrimination Law, and a section of Legal Writing and he will teach Law and Religion in the fall of 2017.