Jose M. de Areilza
The Jean Monnet Visiting Professor of Law
Email: [[jmdeareilza]]
Alt. Email: jose.areilza@esade.edu
Personal web page: here
Areas of Specialization
European Union Law
Teaching Interests
European Union Law International Trade Law Power and Influence
Representative Professional Activities and Achievements
José M. de Areilza is Professor of Law and Jean Monnet Chair at ESADE, Ramón Llul University, Madrid and Barcelona, and Secretary General of Aspen Institute España, a foundation affiliated with The Aspen Institute in the US. He has published extensively in the fields of European Union constitutional law and Spanish foreign policy. He served between 1996 and 2000 as advisor to the Spanish Prime Minister on European and North American affairs. He writes a weekly article in the newspaper ABC and is a Member of its Board of Directors. He holds LL.M. and S.J.D. degrees from Harvard Law School and is admitted to the New York Bar. He is a Member of the European Council on Foreign Relations and a Senior Research Fellow at Real Instituto Elcano.