Visiting Faculty

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Lindsay D. Barna

Visiting Professor of the Practice of Law
Email: [[ldbarna]]
Office phone: (757)221-1855

Jose M. de Areilza

The Jean Monnet Visiting Professor of Law
Email: [[jmdeareilza]]
Alt. Email:

Michael Dick

Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.), Visiting Professor of the Practice, Director of Military and Veteran Affairs, Assistant Director, Center for International Law and Policy, and Co-Director of the Puller Clinic
Email: [[medick]]
Office phone: (757)221-7410
Office location: Room 191

Javier Guillén Caramés

Visiting Professor of Law
Email: [[jguillencarame]]

Bryan Lammon

Visiting Professor of Law
Email: [[blammon]]

Office location: Room 266

Robert H. Thomas

Joseph T. Waldo Visiting Chair in Property Rights Law
Email: [[rhthomas]]

Office location: Room 286

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