Myrisha S. Lewis

Myrisha S. Lewis

Reveley Research Professor of Law
Degrees: J.D., Columbia University; B.A., Harvard University
Email: [[mslewis01]]
Office phone: (757) 221-1737
Office location: Room 254H
Full resume: here (.pdf in new window)
Representative Professional Activities and Achievements

Professor Lewis earned her A.B. in Government from Harvard College and her J.D. from Columbia Law School. During law school, she was a case law editor of the Columbia Journal of European Law.

Following law school, Professor Lewis spent approximately four years as an attorney at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. While employed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Professor Lewis also completed a seven-month detail as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, where she prosecuted domestic violence cases. Prior to joining the William & Mary faculty, she was an Assistant Professor at the Howard University School of Law and a Visiting Assistant Professor at the IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law.

Professor Lewis' research considers how health law, family law, and criminal law respond to scientific innovations. Her research and teaching interests include health law, family law, administrative law, and bioethics. In 2018, Professor Lewis was one of four professors selected nationwide as a Health Law Scholar by the American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics and the Saint Louis University Law School’s Center for Health Law Studies. Professor Lewis is a member of the New York Bar and speaks French and Spanish.

Scholarly Publications
  • Subterranean Regulation: Science, Politics, and Reproductive Genetic Innovation (under contract, New York University Press) (forthcoming 2026).
Articles and Book Chapters
  • Reproductive Innovation and Reproductive Exceptionalism: How Private Health Insurance Coverage of Fertility Treatment Complements Hostile Governmental Action and Expands Access to Assisted Reproduction in the United States, in Private Law: Pathology or Pathway? (Cambridge University Press) (eds. I. Glenn Cohen, Wendy Netter Epstein, Christopher Robertson & Carmel Shachar) (forthcoming 2024).
  • Normalizing Reproductive Genetic Innovation, 74 Admin. L. Rev. 481 (2022).
  • Segmented Innovation in the Legalization of Mitochondrial Transfer: Lessons from Australia and the United Kingdom, 22 Hous. J. Health L. & Pol’y 317 (2022).
  • How Analogizing Socio-Legal Responses to Organ Transplantation Can Further the Legalization of Reproductive Genetic Innovation, 74 SMU L. Rev. 665 (2021).
  • Is Germline Gene Editing Exceptional?, 51 Seton Hall L. Rev. 735 (2021).
  • Innovating Federalism in the Life Sciences, 92 Temple L. Rev. 383 (2020).
  • Commentary on Whole Woman's Health's v. Hellerstedt, in Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Reproductive Justice (Kimberly Mutcherson ed., Cambridge U. Press 2020).
  • The American Democratic Deficit in Assisted Reproductive Technology Innovation, 45 Am. J.L. & Med. 130 (2019).
  • Halted Innovation: The Expansion of Federal Jurisdiction over Medicine and the Human Body, 2018 Utah L. Rev. 1073 (2018).
  • How Subterranean Regulation Hinders Innovation in Assisted Reproductive Technology, 39 Cardozo L. Rev. 1239 (2018).
  • Criminalizing Substance Abuse and Undermining Roe v. Wade: The Tension Between Abortion Doctrine and the Criminalization of Prenatal Substance Abuse, 23 Wm. & Mary J. Women & L. 185 (2017).
  • Biology, Genetics, Nurture, and the Law: The Expansion of the Legal Definition of Family to Include Three or More Legal Parents, 16 Nev. L. J. 743 (2016).
  • Making Sex the Same: Ending the Unfair Treatment of Males in Family Law, 27 Wis. J. L. Gender & Soc. 257 (2012).
  • Sex and Statutory Uniformity: Harmonizing the Legal Treatment of Semen, 7 Charleston L. Rev. 235 (2012).
  • Digital Reproductive Privacy in a Post-Dobbs World, Jotwell, Feb. 26, 2024 (reviewing Leah R. Fowler & Michael R. Ulrich, Femtechnodystopia, 75 Stan. L. Rev. 1233 (2023)). Online.
  • The Enduring Goals of the Eugenics Movement: The Connection Between Environmental Harm, Disability, and State-Reduction of Reproductive Rights, JOTWELL, Feb. 20, 2023 (reviewing Khiara M. Bridges, The Dysgenic State: Environmental Injustice and Disability-Selective Abortion Bans, 110 Cal. L. Rev. 297 (2022)). Online.
  • Mainstreaming Reproductive Genetic Innovation, Bill of Health, Dec. 14, 2022. Online.
  • Fostering States as Laboratories, The Hill, Oct. 1, 2020 (Op-ed). Online.

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