Elizabeth Armistead Andrews

Elizabeth Armistead Andrews

Professor of the Practice of Law, and Director, Virginia Coastal Policy Center
Degrees: J.D., American University; B.A., College of William & Mary
Email: [[eaandrews]]
Office phone: (757) 221-1078
Office location: Room 194
Representative Professional Activities and Achievements

Elizabeth Andrews is the Director of William & Mary Law School’s Virginia Coastal Policy Center. She formerly served as Senior Assistant Attorney General and Chief of the Environmental Section of the Virginia Office of the Attorney General, where she oversaw a team of attorneys representing and providing counsel to the Secretary of Natural Resources and the natural resources agencies of the Commonwealth. She also served as the Water Policy Manager for the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, where she worked closely with the legislature, the regulated community and environmental organizations to address the water quality and quantity challenges facing Virginia, particularly its coastal areas.

Professor Andrews is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and received her Juris Doctor degree, summa cum laude, from the Washington College of Law at American University. She serves as the Virginia representative on the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Climate Resiliency Workgroup, as a member of the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation Board of Trustees, and as a member of the Board of Governors of the Virginia State Bar’s Environmental Law Section. She also was elected to membership as a Fellow in the American College of Environmental Lawyers. In 2020, she was appointed by Governor Northam to the Technical Advisory Committee charged with developing Virginia’s first Coastal Resilience Master Plan, and serves as Chair of its Finance Subcommittee.

Professor Andrews also served as a member of the Expert Study Board convened by the Virginia Academy of Science, Engineering & Medicine (VASEM) to research and draft the report, The Impact of Climate Change on Virginia’s Coastal Areas, which was submitted to the Virginia General Assembly’s Joint Commission on Technology & Science pursuant to House and Senate Joint Resolution 47 (2020). In addition, she was a member of the Alternative Management Structures Workgroup of the Eastern Virginia Groundwater Management Advisory Committee and for many years served as an appointed member of the Virginia Code Commission’s Administrative Law Advisory Committee.

Scholarly Publications
Articles and Book Chapters
  • Resilience Adaptation Feasibility Tool (The RAFT) project, in Collaborating for Climate Resilience (compiled by Ann Goodman and Nilda Mesa (2021)) (with Tanya Denckla Cobb, Michelle Covi and Angela King).
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Virginia's Coastal Areas, in Report of the Virginia Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine (Jonathan L. Goodall, Antonio Elias, Elizabeth Andrews, et al. (2021)).
  • Legal and Policy Challenges for Future Marsh Preservation in the Chesapeake Bay Region, in Wetlands 1-12 (2020). Online.
  • Reflections on Rural Resilience: As the Climate Changes, Will Rural Areas Become the Urban Backyard?, 44 Wm. & Mary Evtl. L. & Pol'y Rev. 745 (2020) (with Jesse Reiblich). Online.
  • Defining boat wake impacts on shoreline stability toward management and policy solutions, 182 Ocean and Coastal Management (2019) (with Molly Magruder Mitchell, Jennifer Davis & Julie D. Herman). Online.
  • Institutionalizing Resilience in U.S. Universities: Prospects, Opportunities, and Models, 106 Marine Tech. & Sci. J. 52 (2018) (with Morris Foster et al.).
  • Review of Boat Wake Wave Impact on Shoreline Erosion and Potential Solution for the Chesapeake Bay, 17-002 STAC Pub. (2017) (with Donna M. Bilkovic et al.).
  • The 2016 Stormwater Bill: An Analysis of Perceived and Real Problems with Proposed Solutions, Final Report 111716-ED (2016) (with Roy A. Hoagland & Jonathan R. Lubrano). Online.

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