Ronald H. Rosenberg
Chancellor Professor of Law, Emeritus
Email: [[rhrose]]
Office phone: (757) 221-3840
Areas of Specialization
Constitutional Law--Eminent Domain (Takings); Environmental Law; Land Use and Zoning; Local Government Law; Property Law; Real Estate Transactions
Teaching Interests
Intro to US Law & Legal Systems; Land Use Control; Legal Writing for LLMs I; Legal Writing for LLMs II; Property
Representative Professional Activities and Achievements
Joined the faculty in 1982. Served on the legal staff of the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C. Taught at Cleveland State School of Law and was a visiting professor at the University of North Carolina/Chapel Hill School of Law. Was a Fulbright Senior Scholar.
Author of Controversies in Constitutional Law--Evolution of the Law of Takings and articles in the Duke Law Journal, Journal of Local Government Law, Annual Survey of American Law, the Arizona Law Review, and the North Carolina Law Review. General Editor of Virginia Local Government Law. Co-author of Environmental Policy Law and Problems in Environmental Law. Frequent speaker on environmental and property issues.
Served as a member of the Executive Board, Historic Rivers Land Conservancy, Inc. and the Planning Commission, York County. Served as a member of the Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Board and on the Editorial Board for the Washington Lawyer, District of Columbia Bar Association. Served as Chair and member of numerous American Bar Association committees including, the Local Government Law Committee; Section of Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Laws; Committee on Environmental Law; and the Professionalism Committee of the Section of Legal Education and Admission to the Bar.
Scholarly Publications
- Environmental Policy Law: Problems, Cases and Readings (Found. Press 6th ed. 2012) (with Holly D. Doremus & Albert C. Lin).
- Fundamentals of Municipal Finance (A.B.A. Publications 2010) (with Joel Mintz & Larry Bakken).
- Environmental Policy Law: Problems, Cases and Readings (U. Casebook Series, Found. Press 5th ed. 2009) (with Holly D. Doremus, Albert C. Lin & Thomas J. Schoenbaum) (supplement) [4th ed. 2002, 1012 pp.; 3d ed. 1996, 1276 pp.; 2d ed. 1991, 1273 pp.].
- Teaching Guide, Environmental Policy Law (U. Casebook Series, Found. Press 4th ed. 2002; 3d ed. 2002) (with Thomas J. Schoenbaum & Holly D. Doremus).
- Community Resource Guide for Brownfields Redevelopment (William & Mary Law School 2d ed. 2002).
- Brownfields Redevelopment: Cleaning Up Contaminated Sites For Community Renewal (Virginia Environmental Endowment 2000).
- Community Resource Guide for Brownfields Redevelopment (William & Mary Law School 2000).
- The Environment, Property and The Law: Controversies In Constitutional Law (Garland Publ'g Inc. 1998) (3 volumes).
- Handbook for Virginia Local Government Attorneys (Rosenberg, Local Government Attorney's Ass'n 1992).
- Environmental Law Problems, Cases, Readings and Text (U. Casebook Series, Found. Press 2d ed. 1987) (with Thomas J. Schoenbaum).
- Teaching Guide, Environmental Policy Law: Problems, Cases, and Readings (U. Casebook Series, Found. Press 1985) (with Thomas J. Schoenbaum).
- Environmental Law Problems, Cases, Readings and Text (U. Casebook Series, Found. Press 1985) (with Thomas J. Schoenbaum).
- Environmental Policy Law: Problems, Cases, and Readings (U. Casebook Series, Found. Press 1985) (with Thomas J. Schoenbaum).
- Municipal Regulation of Condominium Conversion (College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland St. U. 1981).
- Urban Growth Management Through Development Timing (Praeger Special Studies in U.S. Economic, Social and Political Issues 1976) (with David J. Brower).
Articles and Book Chapters
- Harmonious Federalism in Support of National Energy Goals-Increased Wind Renewable Energy, 85 N.D. L. Rev. 781 (2009).
- Doing More or Doing Less for the Environment: Shedding Light on EPA's Stealth Method of Environmental Enforcement, 35 B.C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. 175 (2008).
- Making Renewable Energy a Reality-Finding Ways to Site Wind Power Facilities, 32 Wm. & Mary Envtl. L. & Pol'y Rev. 635 (2008).
- Diversifying America's Energy Future: The Future of Renewable Wind Power, 26 Va. Envtl. L.J. 505 (2007).
- The Changing Culture of American Land Use Regulation: Paying for Growth with Impact Fees, 59 SMU L. Rev. 177 (2006), reprinted in 2007 Zoning and Planning Law Handbook (Patricia E. Salkin ed., Thomson West 2007).
- Archaeological Resource Preservation: The Role of State and Local Government, in 239 Archaeology, Relics, and the Law (Richard B. Cunningham ed., Carolina Academic Press 2005).
- The Ultimate Independence of the Federal Courts: Defying the Supreme Court in the Exercise of Federal Common Law Powers, 36 Conn. L. Rev. 425 (2004).
- When Lochner Met Dolan: The Attempted Transformation of American Land Use Law by Constitutional Interpretation, 33 Urb. Law. 663 (2001) (with Nancy Stroud), reprinted in Progress in Legal Issues.
- Negotiated Development Denial Meets People's Court: Del Monte Dunes Brings New Wildcards to Exactions Law, 31 Urb. Law. 831 (1999) (with Jonathan M. Davidson & Michael C. Spata).
- The Changing Tradition of Constitutional Review of Sign and Billboard Regulation, IX J. Loc. Gov't L 10 (1999).
- "Where's Dolan?" Exactions Law in 1998, 30 Urb. Law. 683 (1998) (with Jonathan M. Davidson & Michael C. Spata).
- The Non-Impact of the United States Supreme Court Regulatory Takings Cases on the State Courts: Does the Supreme Court Really Matter?, 6 Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 523 (1995), excerpted in Property Law.
- Evolving Consensus: The Dynamic Future of Environmental Law and Policy, 27 Loy. L. Rev. 1049 (1994), reprinted in Environmental Law.
- Cooperative Failure: An Analysis of Intergovernmental Relationships and the Problem of Air Quality Non-Attainment, 1990 Ann. Surv. Am. L. 13 (1990).
- Powell on Real Property, Chapter 25A, 149 in The Regulation of Solid and Hazardous Waste (Matthew Bender 1987).
- The Need for State and Regional Land Use Control in Virginia, Virginia Environmental Endowment (1987) (Consulancy Report).
- Referendum Zoning: Legal Doctrine and Practice, 53 U. Cin. L. Rev. 381 (1984).
- Uranium Mining and Milling in Virginia: An Analysis of Regulatory Choice, 4 Va. J. Nat. Res. L. 81 (1984).
- Historic Preservation Easements: A Proposal for Ohio, 7 U. Dayton L. Rev. 313 (1982) (with Pamela G. Jacobstein).
- Amendment of the Antiquities Act of 1906 - The Preservation of Cultural Resources, 22 Ariz. L. Rev. 701 (1981).
- Archeological Resource Preservation - The Role of State and Local Government, 1981 Utah L. Rev. 755 (1981).
- Federal Protection for Archaeological Resources Symposium: Legal Protection of America's Archaeological Heritage, 22 Ariz. L. Rev 701 (1981) (symposium article).
- Federal Protection of Unique Environmental Assets: Endangered and Threatened Species, 58 N.C. L. Rev. 491 (1980), reprinted in Land Use & Env't L.Rev. (1981).
- Air Quality and Industrial Growth: The Location of New Industrial Sources of Pollution in Non-Attainment Areas, 11 Nat. Resources L. 523 (1979) (with Bruce A. Friedman).
- Federal Environmental Review Requirements Other Than NEPA, The Emerging Challenge, 27 Clev. St. L. Rev. 195 (1979) (with Allen H. Olsen).
- The Legal Implementation of Coastal Zone Management: The North Carolina Model , 1976 Duke L.J. 1 (1976) (with Thomas J. Schoenbaum).
- Diversifying Energy in America:Moving Towards Renewable Wind Power, 2006 Int'l Workshop on Legal Issues for Clean Energy & Climate Issues 95 (2006).
- Natural Resources Policy Law, 39 Forest & Conservation Hist. 43 (1995) (book review).
- Treatise on Virginia Local Government Law, Virginia Local Government Attorneys Association, Alexandria, VA (1993).
- Clean Water Act Amendments, Practicing Planner, Sept. 1977, at 17.
- The Federal-Aid Highway Construction Process: Procedures, Cases, and Plaintiff Strategies, 52 N.C. L. Rev. 1223 (1974) (with Allen H. Olson) (comment).
- Note, Constitutional Law - The Eighth Amendment and Prison Reform, 51 N.C. L. Rev. 1539 (1973).