Robert G. Bracknell

Robert G. Bracknell

Degrees: M.S., University of Oxford; LL.M., Harvard University; J.D., University of Maryland; B.A., University of North Carolina
Email: [[rgbracknell]]
Office phone: (757) 221-3800
Representative Professional Activities and Achievements

Butch Bracknell is a retired Marine armor officer and lawyer, including tours in Germany, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Georgia and Cuba, and a one year foreign affairs fellowship at The Atlantic Council of the United States. His last assignment on active duty was on the staff of the Office of Military Commissions, conducting trials of alleged terrorism-related offenses in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He worked 9 years for NATO's Allied Command Transformation and is currently Senior Counsel at Jefferson Lab. He is a graduate of the University of Oxford (MSc), Harvard Law School (LLM), the University of Maryland (JD) and UNC Chapel Hill (BA). His focus in adjunct instruction is international security law and technology law as applied to national and international security.

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